Diagnostic Solutions Service | STERIS
STERIS Corporation - Helping to provide a healthier today and a safer tomorrow.

Diagnostic Solutions Service

  • Provides full-service laboratory testing/analysis service of water and substrates
  • Analyzes water and steam quality at critical points throughout the reprocessing loop
  • Troubleshoots potential causes of surgical instrument staining/corrosion
  • Helps ensure your CSSD produces clean and sterile instruments on time

Diagnostic Solutions Service

Diagnostic Solutions Service features full-service laboratory testing, analysis and recommendations of water, steam and various substrates to help ensure your central sterile services department (CSSD) delivers clean and sterile instruments on time.

How Diagnostic Solutions Service Works

Diagnostic Solutions Service brings awareness to the quality of your water supply, as well as helps to troubleshoot causes for surgical instrument staining/corrosion, steam components and chamber scale. After samples are received in our in-house laboratory, various tests are conducted to determine if ranges fall within accepted parameters for optimal surgical instrument/medical device reprocessing. A full laboratory report containing data, analysis and recommendations is provided upon completion.

Why Diagnostic Solutions Service?

  • Expert Advice - Provides full-service laboratory testing/analysis/recommendations to keep your CSSD running smoothly
  • Assurance - Analyzes water and steam quality at critical points throughout the reprocessing loop
  • Problem Solving - Troubleshoots potential causes of surgical instrument staining/corrosion
  • Risk Management – Helps ensure that your CSSD delivers clean and sterile instruments on time

Device Compatibility Matrix

Confirm that your medical devices and accessories are compatible for processing with our Low Temperature Systems.

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