ChemExpress Personnel Monitoring System | STERIS
STERIS Corporation - Helping to provide a healthier today and a safer tomorrow.

ChemExpress Personnel Monitoring System

  • Monitor ethylene oxide, aldehydes, hydrogen peroxides and other chemicals
  • Meets or exceeds OSHA and NIOSH sampling requirements
  • No equipment to purchase

The ChemExpress Personal Monitoring System is used to monitor the exposure of hospital personnel to chemicals, such as ethylene oxide, aldehydes, hydrogen peroxide and others, commonly used in healthcare facilities. Each badge meets or exceeds the appropriate OSHA regulations as well as NIOSH sampling requirements. All badges include a mail-back service to analyze and report test results. The badges are drop-shipped from the test laboratory and results are received in 6-10 days.

Ethylene Oxide Monitoring Badge

  • Comply with OSHA monitoring guidelines for Ethylene Oxide Sterilization
  • One badge can be used to measure either an 8-hour TWA or a 15-minute STEL
Product Number Description Quantity


ChemExpress EO Monitor

5 monitors / box

Aldehyde Monitoring Badge

  • For Glutaraldehyde (like CIDEX® Solution) and o-Phthalaldehyde (like CIIDEX® OPA Solution)
  • Badges for 8-hour TWA and ACGIH Ceiling Limit STEL
Product Number Description Quantity


ChemExpress Fast Sampling
Rate Aldehyde Monitor
(ACGIH Ceiling Limit STEL)

5 monitors / box


ChemExpress Aldehyde Monitor
(8 hr TWA)

5 monitors / box

Anesthesiology Monitoring Badge

  • Used to monitor 8-hour TWA for Nitrous Oxide or Halogenated Anesthetic Gas
  • Halogenated Anesthetic Gas Monitor can be used to monitor exposure to gases such as Desflurane, Enflurane, Halothurane, Isoflurane or Sevoflurane
Product Number Description Quantity


ChemExpress Halogenated
Anesthetic Gas Monitor
(8 hr TWA)

5 monitors / box


ChemExpress Nitrous Oxide
Monitor (8 hr TWA)

5 monitors / box

Hydrogen Peroxide Monitoring Badge

  • Used to monitor 8-hour TWA for Hydrogen Peroxide Gas
Product Number Description Quantity


ChemExpress Hydrogen Peroxide Monitor (8 hr TWA)

5 monitors / box

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