Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Information | STERIS Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Information | STERIS
STERIS Corporation - Helping to provide a healthier today and a safer tomorrow.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

STERIS and US Endoscopy are providing a fast, reliable and cost-effective way to conduct business transactions with our Customers. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in standardized formats. Common transactions such as purchase orders, invoices, and advance ship notices can be transmitted and received electronically between two Trading Partners with minimal human intervention.

EDI is being used throughout the healthcare industry to dramatically reduce costs in supply chain management. Some of the direct benefits of EDI are:

  • Administrative cost reduction
  • Improved inventory control and cash management
  • More accurate and accelerated processing of data
  • Reduced operating costs and processing delays

STERIS and US Endoscopy's EDI initiative supports the following primary ASC X12 Transactions for the 004010 ANSI X12 version. Additional strategic business transaction sets and versions can be supported by contacting the STERIS EDI liaison by e-mail or phone at 800.548.4873, ext. 27235.

Customer Transactions:

  • 810 Invoice
  • 850 Purchase Order
  • 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement
  • 865 Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement
    • Transaction set used to communicate to the buyer any possible product backorder situations and/or any possible pricing variance
  • 856 Ship Notice
  • 867 Product Transfer and Resale Report
  • 997 Functional Acknowledgement

Carrier Transactions:

  • 211 Motor Carrier Bill of Lading
  • 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message,/LI.

To set up a Trading Partner relationship please complete the online form.